12 Top Food Tracking Apps for Healthier Eating Habits

When it comes to managing your nutrition and optimizing your dietary habits, having the right tool can make all the difference.

With a variety of food tracking apps designed to support your health goals, you’re empowered to make informed choices. Whether you’re aiming to lose weight, build muscle, or simply eat more mindfully, finding the best app for you is crucial.

We’ve selected 12 top-notch food tracking apps to guide you on your journey towards healthier eating.

Food Tracking Apps

12 Best Food Tracking Apps: Take Control of Your Diet

1. MyFitnessPal: Calorie Counter

MyFitnessPal is a comprehensive food tracker and health app, often regarded as a nutrition coach, meal planner, and food diary all in one. It’s not just a calorie counter; it’s a health app designed to help users learn about their eating habits, make smarter food choices, and achieve their health goals.

Main Features:

  • Extensive food database with over 14 million items.
  • Barcode scanner and meal scan for easy food logging.
  • Customizable goals for weight loss, gain, or maintenance.
  • Nutrition insights and detailed analysis of food intake.
  • Integration with various fitness trackers and the Health app.
  • Water logging and exercise tracking.
  • Community forums for support and motivation.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Large food database, user-friendly interface, comprehensive tracking features.
  • Cons: Community-added foods may be inaccurate; premium features are paid.

Best For: Individuals looking for a versatile and detailed food tracking experience, from beginners to those with specific health goals.


  • Free with in-app purchases; MyFitnessPal Premium starts at $19.99/month or $79.99/year.

2. Calorie Counter – MyNetDiary

MyNetDiary is a sleek and smart calorie counter app that offers a free barcode scanner, food and macros tracker, and effective diet plans. It’s recognized for its user-friendly interface and fast food entry, making it a favorite among those who want a simple yet effective tool for weight loss and nutrition tracking.

Main Features:

  • Barcode scanner and custom food entry.
  • Over 1.5 million food items in the database.
  • Tracks food, exercise, and water intake.
  • Customizable diet plans, including intermittent fasting.
  • Integration with fitness trackers and the Health app.
  • Detailed nutrient analysis and diet feedback.
  • Premium diets and recipes for various goals.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Fast and intuitive food tracking, large food database, customizable diet plans.
  • Cons: Some advanced features require a premium subscription.

Best For: Those seeking a fast and comprehensive food tracking solution with customizable diet plans.


  • Free with in-app purchases; MyNetDiary Premium starts at $8.99/month or $59.99/year.

3. YAZIO Calorie Counter & Diet

YAZIO is a versatile calorie counter and diet app that helps users manage their daily food diary and track activities for successful weight loss. It offers personalized plans for weight loss or muscle building and is known for its user-friendly design and comprehensive tracking capabilities.

Main Features:

  • Personalized diet plans and calorie table with over 2 million foods.
  • Tracks calories, carbs, proteins, and fats.
  • Built-in barcode scanner and custom meal creation.
  • Water intake tracking and meal reminders.
  • Integration with the Health app and other fitness apps.
  • Fasting tracker and detailed nutrition analysis.
  • Access to healthy recipes and meal plans.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Large food database, personalized plans, integrates with fitness apps.
  • Cons: Full feature set requires a PRO subscription.

Best For: Individuals looking for a comprehensive app to manage their diet and track activities, especially those interested in intermittent fasting.


  • Free with in-app purchases; YAZIO PRO starts at $32.99.

4. Calorie Counter by Cronometer

Cronometer is more than just a calorie counter; it’s a comprehensive health and fitness app designed for detailed tracking of diet and exercise habits. With an extensive database of over 1.2 million verified foods, Cronometer offers a detailed breakdown of calories, vitamins, and minerals, making it an ideal tool for those focused on both macro and micronutrient tracking.

Main Features:

  • Extensive database of over 1.2 million verified foods.
  • Detailed breakdown of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.
  • Integration with popular fitness tracking apps and devices.
  • Customizable goals for various health metrics.
  • Fasting timer, recipe importer, and diary groups in the Gold version.
  • Exercise logging and progress monitoring.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Comprehensive nutrient tracking, large food database, integration with fitness devices.
  • Cons: Full-page ads in the free version, premium features require a subscription.

Best For: Individuals seeking an all-encompassing diet and fitness tracking tool, especially those interested in detailed nutrient analysis.


  • Free with in-app purchases; Gold subscription starts at $9.99/month or $54.99/year.

5. FoodPrint Nutrition Tracker

FoodPrint Nutrition Tracker is a unique app that offers personalized nutrition advice based on your food diary. It’s designed for those who want to understand the impact of their diet on their health and receive tailored recommendations to improve their eating habits.

Main Features:

  • Personalized nutrition advice based on food diary entries.
  • Detailed analysis of dietary patterns.
  • Customizable goals and tracking for various health metrics.
  • Integration with fitness and health apps.
  • User-friendly interface for easy logging and tracking.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Personalized nutrition advice, detailed dietary analysis, integration with other apps.
  • Cons: May require a subscription for full feature access.

Best For: Those interested in receiving personalized nutrition advice and understanding the impact of their diet on their health.

6. Food Diary – See How You Eat App

Food Diary – See How You Eat App is a visually focused food tracking app that encourages mindful eating. It’s perfect for those who want a simple and intuitive way to monitor their eating habits without focusing heavily on calories or macros.

Main Features:

  • Visual food diary for tracking meals.
  • Simple and intuitive interface.
  • Encourages mindful eating habits.
  • Helps identify patterns in food choices.
  • Suitable for those not focused on detailed calorie or macro counting.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Visually appealing, promotes mindful eating, easy to use.
  • Cons: Lacks detailed nutrient tracking, not ideal for those focused on macros or calories.

Best For: Individuals looking for a simple, visual way to track their eating habits and promote mindful eating.

7. Noom

Noom is a unique food tracker app that focuses on behavior modification to help users become more mindful of their eating decisions and how they impact health. The app’s program aims to modify behaviors contributing to weight gain. It provides quizzes and questionnaires, along with food and activity tracking, to delve deeper into your eating psyche.

Main Features:

  • Personalized attention and guidance from health coaches.
  • Customized plan based on individual goals.
  • Modified “traffic light” food color system for easy categorization.
  • Extensive database of foods.
  • Integration with popular fitness tracking devices.
  • Tracks activity, water intake, and sleep.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Personalized coaching, behavior modification approach, comprehensive tracking.
  • Cons: More expensive than other apps, requires a subscription fee.

Best For: Individuals looking for a holistic approach to weight loss and behavior change related to food.


  • Free to download; monthly plan is $60, and an annual plan is $200.

8. LoseIt!

LoseIt! is a comprehensive food tracking app that offers an intermittent fasting tracker and dietitian-curated strategies to support various diets. It features a large database of foods and a unique Snap It feature, allowing users to track foods easily with photos.

Main Features:

  • Largest database of foods among the picks.
  • Snap It feature for easy food tracking with photos.
  • Intermittent fasting tracker.
  • Dietitian-curated strategies for different diets.
  • Barcode scanner and community tab for support.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Large food database, unique photo tracking feature, supports various diets.
  • Cons: Most features available in the paid version.

Best For: Those looking for a versatile food tracker with unique features like photo tracking and intermittent fasting support.


  • Basic version is free; Premium version is $40 per year.

9. Simple

Simple is an app designed for those new to intermittent fasting (IF). It provides a guide to IF along with different fasting periods, including the most common 16:8 schedule. The app also tracks steps, meals, eating habits, hydration, and sleep.

Main Features:

  • Guide to different intermittent fasting schedules.
  • Tracks steps, meals, eating habits, hydration, and sleep.
  • Compatible with Apple Health and Fitbit.
  • Motivational resources including videos and educational articles.
  • Easy to use and set for different fasting schedules.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Ideal for beginners to intermittent fasting, comprehensive tracking.
  • Cons: Best features available only with the premium version.

Best For: Individuals new to intermittent fasting looking for an easy-to-use app with educational resources.


  • Free to download; premium version costs $50 for an annual plan or $30 for four months.

10. HitMeal Calorie & Food Tracker

HitMeal is a nutrition scanner and diary app designed for those who want to look good, feel good, and eat well. It aims to help users live in harmony with their mind and body through confident and self-loving choices. The app offers calorie counting, convenient food logging, a broad food database, barcode scanning, nutrient tracking, and meal plans.

Main Features:

  • Calorie counting and convenient food logging.
  • Extensive food database and barcode scanning.
  • Tracking of macronutrients in meals.
  • Customizable meal plans by nutrition experts.
  • Integration with Apple Health for comprehensive activity tracking.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: User-friendly interface, extensive food database, integration with Apple Health.
  • Cons: Premium features require a subscription.

Best For: Individuals looking for a holistic approach to food tracking, focusing on both physical and mental well-being.


  • Free with in-app purchases; HitMeal Premium at $9.99.

11. FoodNoms Nutrition Tracker

FoodNoms is a nutrition tracker app that emphasizes a simple and effective approach to food tracking. It is designed for Apple users, offering compatibility with Apple Health and a clean, efficient interface. The app includes a barcode and nutrition label scanner, making it easy to log packaged products.

Main Features:

  • Compatibility with Apple Health.
  • Barcode and nutrition label scanning for easy food logging.
  • Shareable meals for quick logging.
  • Tracks macros and overall food intake.
  • User-friendly interface for seamless tracking.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Well-designed for Apple ecosystem, easy to use, efficient food tracking.
  • Cons: Limited to iOS devices, may require a subscription for full features.

Best For: Apple device users seeking a straightforward and efficient food tracking solution.


  • Free with in-app purchases; upgraded subscription starts at $4.99/month or $29.99/year.

12. Calorie Counter

Calorie Counter is a comprehensive app for tracking food intake and managing dietary goals. It offers a wide range of features for users looking to monitor their calorie consumption, track their meals, and maintain a balanced diet. The app is suitable for anyone aiming to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Main Features:

  • Detailed tracking of food intake and calories.
  • Customizable goals for different dietary needs.
  • Large database of foods for accurate tracking.
  • User-friendly interface for easy logging of meals and snacks.
  • Analysis of dietary patterns and progress over time.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Comprehensive calorie tracking, large food database, user-friendly.
  • Cons: May require a subscription for full feature access.

Best For: Individuals looking for a detailed app to manage their diet and track their food intake.

Your Health in Your Hands: Choosing the Right Food Tracking App

In the pursuit of health, wellness, and weight management, food tracking apps remain invaluable. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that maintaining complete accuracy, particularly when eating out, can pose challenges.

Furthermore, not all foods within these apps’ databases undergo thorough vetting. As such, it’s crucial to regard these apps as helpful aids in assessing and enhancing your dietary choices, recognizing their limitations.

To further refine your diet management, consider using one of these best macro tracking apps for a more detailed approach.

  • Lois
  • I'm Lois, the creator of Appreview360.com. I hope this website can help people easily discover useful apps and software. If you want to get your app in front of the right audience, you can contact us. Or if you want to introduce some cool apps to more people, you can write for us.